The Ivan Dejmal Foundation for Nature Conservation

About us

We've been protecting and restoring the surrounding natural environment for over 31 years

The Ivan Dejmal Foundation for Nature Conservation has been operating since 1993 (named the Foundation for the Conservation and Restoration of the Jizera Mountains until 2017), and it is an important nationwide environmental foundation that also functions abroad. We protect and restore nature, while also motivating the public to do so. We provide independent financial assistance for organizations and individuals whose activities are in line with the foundation's mission. We support projects that protect and restore the values of the natural landscape. We are currently focusing our attention on repairing the water regime in the landscape, restoring stable forest ecosystems and protecting valuable natural sites. We regularly undergo extensive evaluation, and we hold the "Známka kvality" (Quality Mark) certificate, which is awarded by the Donors Forum to certified foundations.

We implement projects

We help with long-term projects that increase the biodiversity of forests, care for valuable natural sites or repair the water regime in the landscape.

We provide grants

We are happy to support good ideas that contribute to care for the natural environment and to the development of a positive relationship between people and nature.

We include the public

We organize a regular photography competition titled "Zaostřeno na Jizerky" (A Focus on the Jizera Mountains) for the general public, and we publish a calendar with the best photographs.


The unhappy state of the Jizera Mountains, as well as the deforestation of their peaks, was what led us to establish the foundation in 1993. Our main mission was to remedy this critical situation, which is why the foundation was initially called the Foundation for the Conservation and Restoration of the Jizera Mountains. A number of experts and ministers of the environment were involved in the establishment of the foundation, and Ivan Dejmal was one of them. Over more than 29 years we have supported hundreds of small and large projects with almost 30 million korunas. 


Today, we focus on the restoration of ecologically stable forests with a natural species composition and spatial distribution, which is essential for a natural and healthy forest. We participate in projects that focus on increasing water retention in the landscape in a nature-friendly way. Our long-term goal is also to help people develop a positive attitude towards nature and to motivate the public to protect it.

The future

Our vision is a clean, natural, species-diverse natural environment, and a society that adheres to the principles of sustainable living.


We have published over nineteen thousand fundraising calendars and donated the proceeds from their sale to projects that help the Jizera Mountains.


Over the last 7 years, over three hundred and seventy-five thousand trees were planted with our help.

32.003.051 CZK

This is the amount that we have contributed to projects that help the environment so far.

31 years

We are a traditional foundation with a long history and important people behind us.


Supporting National Parks in Africa

In recent years, our support has also been directed abroad, where we have been working to protect the national parks in Zambia, Africa. Particularly, we donate to local verified anti-poaching organizations and supporting ecoturism. The local natural environment, which is unique in its diversity, surely deserves our attention.


Grant programmes

We provide independent financial assistance for organizations and individuals whose activities are in line with the foundation's mission.


Applications for a grant can be submitted all year round with no limitations. The submitted applications are evaluated by the administrative board, which decides on the potential allocation and amount of the grant. We let all applicants know whether their application was accepted or rejected. If you are interested, we can consult your applications with you before you submit them. The funds are provided after a grant agreement is concluded.

We focus on supporting the protection and restoration of values of the natural environment. We also support environmental education, cross-sectoral cooperation, the implementation of a sustainable living strategy and the development of a harmonious relationship between people and the landscape in which they live, both in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Supported activities

Deadline for applications

The grant procedure is unlimited and applications can be submitted all year round. Received applications will be evaluated at the nearest meeting of the administrative board.

Implementation deadline

Unlimited; we also welcome projects with a longer implementation time.

How to ask for support?

The ideal procedure for submitting an application

Just fill out a simple form and send it to If necessary, you can provide a detailed description of the project in the attachment, as well as photographs, an annual report, etc.

How to bill a grant

Correct billing procedure

After the project ends (but no later than on the date specified in the contract), the successful applicant must submit a brief final report with a description of the implemented activities (including photo documentation). The granted funds must be billed by providing copies of original documents (receipts, invoices, etc.) and listing them in a simple table.


I want help

Financial support of the foundation's goals

Since 1993, we have helped hundreds of small and large events that have a significant impact on improving the natural environment. We select the most suitable projects that are in line with our mission, and we make sure the funds are used for the right purposes.

Purchase of a fundraising calendar

Every year we publish the "Zaostřeno na Jizerky" (A Focus on the Jizera Mountains) fundraising calendar, which is compiled using photographs from the photography competition of the same name. This calendar doesn't just provide beautiful views of the Jizera Mountains, the proceeds from its sale are used to restore and protect valuable natural sites.

Corporate donations

We truly appreciate companies that have confidence in our foundation and have decided to support it. It would be very hard to perform our activities without this help. We would be happy to establish long-term cooperation with your company too, and we believe that you will see how meaningful our work is. 

What can we offer you? 

  • You will have a guarantee that the funds you provide are fully used for the purpose you have chosen.
  • We will publish a thank you to your company in our publications.
  • We will naturally conclude a proper donation contract. 
  • We can also provide an advertising contract.
  • You will feel good about contributing to the protection and restoration of the natural environment.

Send a donation

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Do you want to tell us something?

A focus on the Jizera Mountains

We publish a fundraising calendar with the Jizera Mountains as the theme.

The photography competition was first announced in 2011, and it was always intended for those who love the Jizera Mountains and are willing to share the pictures they take here with others.


The purpose of the competition is to show the general public views of this beautiful mountain range through the eyes of photographers and to encourage interest in nature and its necessary protection.


The submitted photographs are rated by an expert jury, and one photo is also selected by the general public through Internet voting.


By purchasing the calendar, you will help save peat bogs in the Jizera Mountains and plant species-diverse forests. The construction of dams to retain water in the area will continue this year, and over 14,000 tree seedlings will be planted in the very heart of the Jizera Mountains.

Photography competition + calendar = Zaostřeno na Jizerky

The proceeds from the sale of calendars will be used to help the Jizera Mountains


People in the foundation

RNDr. František Pelc
RNDr. František Pelc
Chairman of the Administrative Board
JUDr. Pavel Pfajfr
JUDr. Pavel Pfajfr
Deputy Chairman of the Administrative Board
Ing. Miloš Šnytr
Ing. Miloš Šnytr
Member of the Administrative Board
Ing. Otakar Schwarz, Ph.D.
Ing. Otakar Schwarz, Ph.D.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Ing. Richard Kořán
Ing. Richard Kořán
Member of the Supervisory Board
Doc. RNDr. Miroslav Šulc, Ph.D.
Doc. RNDr. Miroslav Šulc, Ph.D.
Member of the Supervisory Board
Mgr. Ondřej Petrovský
Mgr. Ondřej Petrovský
Director of the foundation
Jakub Trsek
Jakub Trsek
Office Manager

About Ivan Dejmal

Ing. Ivan Dejmal

Ing. Ivan Dejmal was born October 17, 1946 in Trmice near Ústí n. L. He laid the foundations of systematic care for the environment in the Czech Republic. He participated in the creation of Charter 77 and began working in its ecological group.

In 1987 he founded and later became editor of "Ekologický bulletin" (Ecological bulletin). In the years 1991-1992 he was the second post-Velvet Revolution minister of the environment, and he also significantly contributed to the establishment and government support of the "Program obnovy venkova" (Rural Renewal Programme). He subsequently worked at "Český ekologický ústav" (Czech Institute of Ecology) and was also the director of "Český ústav ochrany přírody" (Czech Institute for Nature Protection). He also worked at “Společnost pro krajinu” (Landscape Society), “Společnost pro trvale udržitelný život” (Society for Sustainable Living), “Ekologická sekce Křesťanské akademie” (Ecological Section of the Czech Christian Academy), “Spolek pro obnovu venkova” (Society for Rural Renewal), and the new “Ústav paměti národa” (National Memory Institute). Since 1995, he worked as an independent design engineer specializing in nature and landscape protection. He has participated in dozens of contracts for land use plans and revitalisation projects, he worked as an adviser to ministers, and as an expert of the World Bank for assessing the impact of programmes and projects on the environment. In addition to his profession, he continued to work in many non-governmental, non-profit organizations and movements. 

He died suddenly in 2008. In the same year, he received the Josef Vavroušek Award from the Charter 77 Foundation and the Czech Environmental Partnership Foundation. Ivan Dejmal was given this award for his lifelong exemplary human, civic and professional contribution to the cultivation of the political, socio-economic and natural environment, and for the unceasing energy he had expended since he was a student to restore human freedom, democracy, the right to a decent environment and public health, as well as for the protection of nature and the landscape as the conditions of life for other living creatures, not just man. He also played an important role in the establishment of the Foundation for the Protection and Restoration of the Jizera Mountains, which was renamed as the Ivan Dejmal Foundation for Nature Conservation in 2017 to commemorate his importance.


The history

The Ivan Dejmal Foundation for Nature Conservation was founded in 1993 under its original name, the Foundation for the Protection and Restoration of the Jizera Mountains, by eight private persons operating in the region (e.g. RNDr. Pelc - head of PLA administration at the time, JUDr. Pfajfr, ecologists ing. Herejk and RNDr. Hušková), with the moral support of internationally recognized experts (Prof. Jeník, Prof. Fanta) and ministers of the environment (Ing. Vavroušek, Prof. Moldan, Ing. Dejmal). The initiative to establish the foundation stemmed from the need to respond to the critical state of forest ecosystems in the Jizera Mountains, which are disintegrating under the influence of air pollution and inappropriate forest management.


A functional system of landscape care was created in the region in 1993–97 along with the establishment of the foundation, and it is based on three basic pillars: 1. Administration of the Protected Landscape Area (SCHKO) and research institutions as project generators, 2. Lesy ČR as a key partner in forest management in the area, and the 3rd foundation as a source of funds, supporting newly conceived strategies for the restoration of forest ecosystems. At the time, the foundation primarily focused on the implementation of the  "Project to save the gene pool of local tree populations in the Jizera Mountains, and their use in restoring ecologically stable forest ecosystems", significantly contributing to the formulation of today's foundations for "gentle management of forests subject to air pollution." During this first period of its activity, it received crucial support from the Dutch Prins Bernhard Fonds foundation, the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and several private donors.

In 1998, the foundation was transformed according to a new legislative framework. At the time, its focus shifted to purely grant activities - the recipients of grants have since mostly been environmentally oriented non-governmental, non-profit organizations in the region. Finally, in 1999 it founded the non-profit Society for the Jizera Mountains, which took over the implementation of practical measures. The foundation has since only engaged in grant activities for a transitional period.


It gradually built up a foundation capital of 45 million CZK, and its revenues ensure sufficient stability of the foundation. These funds were obtained in the years 2000 - 2007 from the revenues of the Foundation Investment Fund, and they were transferred to the foundation through the National Property Fund. Other cleared and carefully selected foundations in the Czech Republic also received this support. It is also thanks to this support that a stable, functioning organization was established in the following years.


In 1998, the foundation acquired the building Jizerka č.p. 2, which was in a state of disrepair. The foundation had a clear vision of building a centre for the public. It managed to do so after extensive renovation in 2006, and since then the Society for the Jizera Mountains has been operating an ecological education centre here.

The foundation participated in the CEE Trust project in 2004, which enabled it to expand its staff and strengthen its activities. Over the following years, the law changed again and foundations received the opportunity to implement their own projects, which the foundation still does today.


Since 2010, we have been intensively working on projects financed through the Operational Programme Environment from European Union funds. Thanks to the subsidy, every koruna invested in the project by the foundation increased up to tenfold. The first three events were implemented by the Society for the Jizera Mountains, and thanks to co-financing by the foundation, almost 84,000 seedlings of native tree species were planted, a fish pass was built on the Smědá river, and 9 visitor infrastructure elements in the Jizera Mountains were repaired. These three projects brought almost 14 million CZK to the Jizera Mountains. In the following years, the foundation continued implementing these types of projects.


The foundation has made significant efforts to restore forests in the Jizera Mountains, it participated in projects to correct the water regime in the landscape, and it has engaged in ecological education of the public and raising awareness. By 2017, it had supported hundreds of small and large projects with an amount exceeding 18 million korunas. We have decided to apply this experience in other places in the Czech Republic and abroad. This resulted in the expansion of the purpose and content of activities, as well as the change of the foundation's name, which is now the Ivan Dejmal Foundation for Nature Conservation. However, the foundation's mission is still the same - to support projects for the protection and restoration of the values of the natural landscape environment, with special regard to the Jizera Mountains.


Contact us

The Ivan Dejmal Foundation for Nature Conservation

Registered office and billing address:
Vaňurova 465/20, 460 07 Liberec 3

CIN: 467 460 30


Bank account:

IBAN: CZ9603000000000003463588 


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